our services

24/7 365 service
Drain Identifying and Clearing Services, with two new Jeter Drain Flushers and Drain Camera's to locate blockages or pipe breaks, with USB to confirm our diagnosis
Backflow Inspections, Repairs, and New Installations
All types of Plumbing, Heating, HVAC and Ventilation Projects
All Gas Piping and related work such as alterations and testing Gas Piping Systems
All Plumbing related work such as Rouch Ins, Risers, Storm Drains, Sanitary Drains, and Plumbing fixtures
All types of Control Wiring and Service
Flushing Heating System and Heating Equipment Repairs
Inspections, Installation, Maintenance and repair of Boilers, Gas Burners, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration
Licensed Welding Contracting Services
Mechanical Insulation
Preventive Maintenance Programs
Pump Services
Relief Valve Testing and Repairs
Roof drains
All types of Control wiring and service
Gorbern Mechanical is approved service contractor with Government Institutions, Building Owners, and Property Management Companies across the GTA, such as...
The City of Toronto Service Contract for all public buildings such as fire stations, community centers and civic centers
The City of Toronto Hostel and Children Services
The Toronto District School Board
Toronto Catholic District School Board
University of Toronto
Ryerson University
York University
BGIS Property Management
Sanofi Pharmaceutical Company, as well as other institutions and industrial companies.
As primarily a service contractor focused on plumbing, renovations and alterations of facilities boilers, valves and steam lines.
Successful scheduling and completion of all projects, combined with a large and reliable network of sub-trades and contractors with whom a stable business relationship has long been maintained. Gorbern Mechanical's service department is open 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure customer satisfaction will be met at all times.
Gorbern Mechanical prides itself on the ability of our staff to complete the project within budget, on schedule while remaining sensitive to the needs and safety to those who choose to occupy the space being worked on.
There is no project too small or too large for our versatile staff to complete economically, efficiently, and with safety.