about us

Gord collins, founder

Ken COllins, president/ CEO
in loving memory
February 20, 1937 - January 04, 2021
Reputation Driven by service
Gorbern Mechanical Contractors Ltd. was incorporated in 1971 and is a long established company providing various types and sizes of projects to industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) clients across Ontario. It is a family owned operation with Ken Collins taking over as President and owner in 1998. Gorbern Mechanical is a fully licensed and insured mechanical contracting firm, specializing in all types of plumbing, heating, insulations, gas piping, welding, pumps, refrigeration, air conditioning, boilers, backflow prevention and other related services.
Over the past years, several of our projects have been in the service industry involving emergency repairs for many public and private organizations. With this successful track record spanning over four decades of providing services involving a wide range of projects - from the very large to the relatively modest - is characterized by fast, reliable service to perform successfully and properly on any job, on time and within budget.
A fleet of fully stocked service vehicles with GPS tracking that are complimented by a staff consisting of highly professional fully licensed plumbers, steam fitters, gas fitters and welders, as well as combustion, refrigeration, air conditioning and control wiring specialists. Also, the skilled employees participate in Gorbern's active and ongoing Health and Safety Program, which provides training in W.H.M.I.S., Confined Spaces, Fall Arrest and Asbestos Awareness and other areas of concern to contribute to their excellent safety record.
We are associated with Envirosafe, which specializes in the removal of mold, mildew, fungus, and other hazardous materials, because in the mechanical industry we deal with asbestos and mold removal very often.
our mission
"It's our mission at Gorbern Mechanical to provide our customers with reliable, efficient, quality service that offers excellent customer satisfaction. Our goal is to be known for our commitment and safety throughout the mechanical industry."
Kenneth Collins